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iot datatype add 

iot datatype list

iot datatype update

iot datatype delete

A **Datatype** is a definition of a single item that can be exchanged with the cloud. The values can go both ways (from device to cloud and vice versa). Datatypes are associated with Models. Once a single instance of a Model is created, and values are set, a single `Data` record is created for each device, with attributes derived from the DataType.

You can avoid having to enter the --team, --project, or --model parameter for every command by defining a corresponding IOT_TEAM, IOT_PROJECT, or IOT_MODEL environment variables.

In the following examples, it is assumed that the IOT_TEAM variable is set ahead of time so it will not be repeated for each command.

On the Mac:

> export IOT_TEAM="my-team-name"
> export IOT_PROJECT="my-project"
> export IOT_MODEL="my-model"

> iot datatype list

On Windows:

> $env:IOT_TEAM="my-team-name"
> $env:IOT_PROJECT="my-project"
> $env:IOT_MODEL="my-model"

> iot datatype list

iot datatype add

iot datatype add 

Adds a single DataType to a Model. DataType values are mostly coerced to strings for storage and transmittal.

However, type hints can be passed via the --type or --data_type parameters. Clients can use these to coerce the value to a known type.


--projectProject Name(Required) Name of the project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--modelModel Name(Required) Name of the model. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_MODEL with the model's name.
--nameDataType Name(Required) name of datatype to create. Must be unique within the Model.
--descDescription(Optional) description attached to datatype.
--typeDataType name(Optional) type hint. Examples: integer, string, float. Defaults to integer.
--data_typeDataType nameAlias for --type.
--unitsDataType units(Optional) not enforced. suffix indicating the type of value. Examples: psi, lbs. Used for displaying units.
--show_on_twinBoolean(Optional) Whether value will be shown on digital twin. It also determines whether a change in value is broadcast back in the monitor topic. If set to false, values will not be shown in applications that display data in real-time. Default is true.
--data_positionString(Optional) 3D position of label on digital twin. In the form "X, Y, Z" expected by ModelViewer
--data_normalString(Optional) 3D normal of label on digital twin. In the form expected by ModelViewer
--label_template                          DataType label template(Optional) Formatted string that will be evaluated and returned. for each value. The string is a template where other values can be substituted at runtime. For example, the value can be "{name}: {value} {units}" and at runtime, this label will evaluate to, say, "pressure: 12 psi"

Basic example:

> iot datatype add --project=my-project --model=my-model --name=my_datatype_name

iot datatype list

iot datatype list

Use the' list' command to get a list of all Datatypes. You can request specific Datatypes by name or ID. Add the'- full' flag to get detailed information on a single Datatype.


--project     Project Name(Optional) name of 'project' to create. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--modelModel Name(Optional) name of 'model'.
--nameDataType Name(Optional) name of Datatype to list.
--idDataType ID(Optional) ID of DataType to show. You can use either Project/Model/Name or the unique ID
--fullFlagIf specified, it will display full information on a single DataType.

To get a list of all DataTypes in a Model:

> iot datatype list --project=my-project-name --model=my-model-name

To get information on a single datatype by name:

> iot datatype list --project=my-project-name --model=my-model-name --name=my-datatype-name

To get information on a single datatype by ID:

> iot datatype list --id=datatype-id

To get complete information on a single DataType, specify either project/model/name or id and a --full flag:

> iot datatype list --project=my-project-name --model=my-model-name --name=my-datatype-name --full


> iot datatype list --id=my-datatype-id --full

iot datatype update

iot datatype update 

Most attributes of a DataType (other than the ID value, Project, Model, and Name) can be modified if needed. To alter a DataType's name, the ID needs to be specified. If Project or Model names are specified, they are used to look up the specific record.


--projectProject Namename of the project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--modelModel Namename of the model. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_MODEL with the model's name.
--nameDataType Namename of datatype to create. Must be unique within the Model.
--idDataType IDInstead of project/model/name, you can specify the unique ID assigned to the datatype
--descDescription(Optional) description attached to datatype.
--typeDataType name(Optional) type hint. Examples: integer, string, float. Defaults to integer.
--data_typeDataType nameAlias for --type.
--unitsDataType units(Optional) not enforced. suffix indicating the type of value. Examples: psi, lbs. Used for displaying units.
--show_on_twinBoolean(Optional) Whether value will be shown on digital twin. It also determines whether a change in value is broadcast back in the monitor topic. If set to false, values can not be shown in display applications in real-time. Default is true
--data_positionString(Optional) 3D position of label on digital twin. In the form "X, Y, Z" expected by ModelViewer
--data_normalString(Optional) 3D normal of label on digital twin. In the form expected by ModelViewer
--label_template                              DataType label template(Optional) Formatted string that will be evaluated and returned. for each value. The string is a template where other values can be substituted at runtime. For example, the value can be "{name}: {value} {units}" and at runtime, this label will evaluate to, say, "pressure: 12 psi"

iot datatype delete

iot datatype delete 


Deleting or adding a Datatype for a model AFTER a device of this type has been created may cause unexpected results if existing data records are referenced.


--project     Project Namename of project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--modelModel Namename of the model. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_MODEL with the model's name.
--nameDataType Namename of datatype to create. Must be unique within the Model.
--idDataType IDInstead of project/model/name, you can specify the unique ID assigned to the datatype

To delete a datatype, use:

> iot datatype delete --project=my-project-name --model=my-model-name --name=my-datatype-name


> iot datatype delete --id=my-datatype-id