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iot device add 

iot device list

iot device update

iot device delete

iot device attach

iot device detach

iot device place

iot device remove

iot device monitor

A Device is an instance of a Model. The only information you need to provide when creating a Device is the type of Model and a unique serial number.

The type of device created will depend on the settings defined in the Model. If:

  • type is set to device (default)
  • security is set to device (default)
  • connection is set to direct (default)

Then the Device is assumed to be an end-node that requires direct connectivity to the cloud and per-device security certificates for access to AWS IOT.

This means that each time you create an instance of that device, unique certificates will be generated and downloaded for that device.

However, if the security field is set to model, all devices of this model will share the same certificate. In that case, the first time a device of this Model is created, the certificate is also generated. After that, any subsequent instances will receive the same credentials.

Conversely, if a device is deleted, if security is set to device, the corresponding certificates and policies are cleaned-up as well. But if security is set to model, the certificates will be kept until the very last device of this model is deleted.

iot device add

iot device add 

Adds/Provisions a single Device. A Model and a unique Serial Number have to be specified. Depending on the type of Model, this command will generate certificates and policies for the device. In AWS IOT parlance, such a device will be registered as a Thing.

The same certificates will be created if the type field is set to gateway. However, in AWS IOT parlance, a Greengrass v2 Core item will be created, along with a Greengrass v2 Device Group.

Devices of the type device can be attached or detached from a gateway. In AWS IOT parlance, a Thing is attached to a Greengrass Core's device group. This allows the end device to perform runtime gateway discovery.


--projectProject Name(Required) Name of the project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--modelModel Name(Required) Name of the model. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_MODEL with the model's name.
--serialSerial Number(Required) Unique serial number attached with the device. This must be unique within all devices of a given Project.
--nameDevice Nickname(Optional) user-friendly name that can be assigned to a device.
--descDescription(Optional) description attached to device instance.
--positionPosition string(Optional) free-form string assigning an installation location to a device. Could be human-readable or GeoJSON
--latitudeInstallation Latitude(Optional) GPS latitude where the device is deployed.
--longitude        Installation Longitude(Optional) GPS longitude where device is deployed.
--altitudeInstallation Altitude(Optional) GPS altitude where the device is deployed.
--statusDevice Status(Optional) Field where device status is loaded. The device may overwrite this.
--errorDevice Error(Optional) Field where device error code is loaded. The device may overwrite this.

Basic example:

> iot device add --project=my-project --model=my-model --serial=SN-00001

iot device list

iot device list 

Use this command to get information on a single registered device. A device can be identified either with a Project name and Serial number, or a Unique ID.

For example:

> iot device list --project=my-project --serial=SN-00001


> iot device list --id=0432233...

Add a --full flag to display detailed information at the end.

> iot device list --project=my-project --serial=SN-00001 --full

iot device update

iot device update 

Most Device attributes (other than the ID value, Project, and Model) can be modified if needed.


--projectProject Name(Optional) Name of the project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--modelModel Name(Optional) Name of model. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_MODEL with the model's name.
--serialSerial Number(Optional) Unique serial number attached with the device. This must be unique within all devices of a given Model.
--idDevice ID(Optional) Device unique ID, generated when a device has been created.
--nameDevice Nickname(Optional) user-friendly name that can be assigned to a device.
--descDescription(Optional) description attached to device instance.
--positionPosition string(Optional) free-form string assigning an installation location to a device. Could be human-readable or GeoJSON
--latitudeInstallation Latitude(Optional) GPS latitude where the device is deployed.
--longitude         Installation Longitude(Optional) GPS longitude where device is deployed.
--altitudeInstallation Altitude(Optional) GPS altitude where the device is deployed.
--statusDevice Status(Optional) Field where device status is loaded. The device may overwrite this.
--errorDevice Error(Optional) Field where device error code is loaded. The device may overwrite this.

iot device delete

iot device delete 

Deletes an instance of a device. This will also remove all AWS IOT resources associated with this device.


Deleting a Device may delete the underlying IOT Thing or IOT Greengrass Core object along with their generated certificates and policies. This can NOT be reversed.


--project     Project Name(Optional) Name of project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--serialSerial Number(Optional) Unique serial number attached with the device. This must be unique within all devices of a given Model.
--idDevice ID(Optional) Device unique ID, generated when a device has been created.

iot device attach

iot device attach

This command assigns an end-node device to a gateway device. This allows the end node to route all communication through a gateway device.

Behind the scenes, it takes advantage of AWS IOT Things, Greengrass v2, Device Groups, and auto-discovery.


--projectProject Name(Optional) Name of the project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--serialSerial Number(Optional) Unique serial number attached with the device. This must be unique within all devices of a given Project.
--from_id    Device ID(Optional) End node Device unique ID, generated when a device has been created.
--toGateway Serial(Optional) Gateway serial number. Must be in the same Project
--gatewayGateway Serial(Optional) Alias for to
--to_idGateway ID(Optional) Gateway UUID. Must be in the same Project

iot device detach

iot device detach 

This detaches a device that has already been attached from a gateway.


--project      Project Name(Optional) Name of project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--serialSerial Number(Optional) Unique serial number attached with the device. This must be unique within all devices of a given Project.
--from_idDevice ID(Optional) End node Device unique ID, generated when a device has been created.
--to_idGateway ID(Optional) Gateway UUID. Must be in the same Project

iot device place

iot device place 

This command associate this device with a Location record. Devices placed at locations can be discovered and grouped based on a given address.


--projectProject Name(Optional) Name of the project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--serialSerial Number(Optional) Unique serial number attached with the device. This must be unique within all devices of a given Project.
--atLocation Name(Optional) Location record name.
--locationLocation Name(Optional) Location record name.
--location_id        Location Unique ID(Optional) Location UUID record id.

iot device remove

iot device remove 

This is the opposite of a place command. It removes a device from an assigned location.


--projectProject Name(Optional) Name of the project. Alternately, define an environment variable IOT_PROJECT with the project's name.
--serialSerial Number(Optional) Unique serial number for the device. This must be unique within all devices of a given Project.
--idDevice ID(Optional) Device unique user ID.

iot device monitor

iot device monitor 

Monitoring a device transmitting MQTT messages can be done by going to the console and adding a subscriber topic or using a third-party MQTT monitoring tool and pointing to the certificate files.

This is an easier way to monitor and verify what information gets sent back and forth on the monitoring topic. All you need to do is pass the device project and serial number OR the device id. Once connected, the monitoring topic will be watched for any changes in data. Only DataTypes marked as show_on_twin set to True will be reflected on the monitoring topic.

To escape out of monitoring mode, press Control-C on the keyboard to exit or pass --stop to automatically end after a single value has been received.

To view the underlying JSON data, you can pass a --raw flag to the command.