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Basic Concepts

The basic concepts behind the SimpleIOT platform are defined in the introduction.

Under the Arduino system, the configuration will look like this:

The Sketch will include SimpleIOT as an additional library and provide certain items (detailed below) to configure and provision the device. Once compiled and flashed, the sketch will securely connect to AWS IOT and allow send/receive of data to the cloud.

The type of information that can be exchanged is totally up to you. You can define key/values in the description of the Model and send data to the cloud via a call like:

  iot->set("temperature", 78.9);


Installing SimpleIOT SDK can either be done using the Arduino Classic App, the Arduino IDE 2.0 or the Arduino Command-Line-Interface.

Arduino Classic

Go into the Library Manager, search for simpleiot, and install it from there:

Arduino IDE 2.0

Click on the Library Manager Icon, search for 'simpleiot', and click on Install:

Arduino CLI

If using the Command Line Interface, you can use this command:

> arduino-cli lib install simpleiot

If you prefer to install the latest version of the SDK from the Github repository, you can use:

> arduino-cli lib install --git-url

Board Manager

The code has been tested with ESP32-based devices. To add support for these, you may need to add them to your development tool manually. Instructions from Espressif are provided here.


The SimpleIOT SDK and its examples and demos rely on the following SDKs. The IDEs and CLIs should automatically install these. The CLI will install these if it is installed via the iot toolchain install command.

arduino-cli config set board_manager.additional_urls
arduino-cli config set library.enable_unsafe_install true
arduino-cli core update-index
arduino-cli core install esp32:esp32
arduino-cli lib install ArduinoJson
arduino-cli lib install ArduinoMqttClient
arduino-cli lib install FastLED
arduino-cli lib install TinyGPSPlus-ESP32
arduino-cli lib install --git-url
arduino-cli lib install --git-url
arduino-cli lib install --git-url
arduino-cli lib install --git-url
arduino-cli lib install --git-url

Next Steps

Once installed, you can create a HelloWorld and a SensorDemo project from the IDE's SimpleIOT Examples menu. These examples are designed to work with the M5Stack Core2 ESP32 or AWS IOT EduKit devices.

Alternately, you can purchase the SimpleIOT Starter Kit, which contains all the devices and sensors to build the sensor demo example.

Device Provisioning

Each Device in the SimpleIOT universe must be registered in the system. This is done by using the iot device add command in the SimpleIOT CLI and providing a unique serial number, as well as the associated Model, Project, and Team values. For example:

> iot device add --team="{team-name} --project="{my-project}" --model="{my-model}" --serial="unique-serial"

Behind the scenes, this command creates and provisions the certificates, policies, and roles needed by AWS IOT and downloads the certificates to the local development machine.

The command then outputs two critical pieces of information:

  1. The directory where the certificate files are stored on the local machine.
  2. The IOT endpoint URL for this back-end.

This information will be needed in the next section.

Connecting to the cloud

You will need the following information to connect your firmware to the cloud. It may seem daunting, but once you've provisioned a device (above), you already have all the necessary information.

IOT Endpoint

When you create a back-end instance of SimpleIOT, the IOT subsystem sets up a URL where connections specific to the installation can be made. This URL is generated during installation and is saved in the ~/.simpleiot/{team-name}/config.json file under the iot_endpoint key.

All client device firmware will need to pass this URL to the SDK to be able to connect to the proper IOT endpoint.

Security Certificates

AWS IOT supports two types of security:

  1. Secure Enclave chip
  2. Embedded Certificates

The former assumes the hardware has a supported embedded security chip on board, properly connected so the firmware can communicate with it directly.

However, there are many devices and designs that do not have the hardware. The certificates can be embedded inside the firmware and presented as needed. SimpleIOT SDK aims to work with a wide range of products and assumes the target device does not have an additional security chip.

However, if designing your hardware from scratch, you may want to consider including an embedded security chip made by vendors like Microchip, Infineon, or ST.

AWS IOT uses X.509 private/public key certificates to authenticate devices. This means that only devices registered to connect to AWS are allowed to send data to the cloud. In addition, all data coming and going to the device will be end-to-end encrypted via TLS 1.2.

Three separate files are generated each time a single device is registered for the authentication system to work. These are:

  • Root Certificate of Authority
  • Device Certificate
  • Device Private Key

If a device is created using the iot device add command, all registration is automatically performed, and the certificates are downloaded into the following local directory path:



Inside this directory, there will be several files, each prefixed with the serial number of the device:

  • {serial-number}_rootca.pem: Root Certificate file.
  • {serial-number}_cert.pem: Device Certificate file.
  • {serial-number}_private.pem: Private key file.

Please make sure these files are kept secure. Any device with access to these files can connect to your AWS IOT instance and send and receive data.

These files are in a text PEM format. They can be opened with a text editor and copy/pasted into the sketch source.

For example, the Root Certificate looks something like this (truncated):


The Device Certificate might look like this (truncated):


The Private Certificate may look like this (truncated):


SimpleIOT Settings

For each device provisioned, you will also need to provide the following names:

  • Project
  • Model, and
  • Device (serial number)
  • Firmware version number in Semantic Version format. When in doubt, use 1.0.0.

You define these using the iot cli by creating a Project, a Model, and a Device.

Wifi Settings

A connected device needs to be able to connect to the internet via local Wi-Fi or Cellular modems.

The subject of provisioning at runtime and establishing network credentials is beyond the scope of this tutorial. However, to get the firmware to connect, you need to connect to your local WiFi router using WiFi SSID name and WIFI SSID password credentials. These must be passed on to the initialization routine to establish a connection.

There are several other WiFi Provisioning schemes covered here.

Assembling the parts

To summarize, you will need the following items:

  • IOT Endpoint URL
  • Root Certificate of Authority
  • Device Certificate
  • Device Private Key
  • Project name
  • Model name
  • Device serial number
  • Firmware version
  • WiFi router SSID name
  • WiFi router SSID password

In the example apps, the files are configured as follows:

Arduino Sketch Name DirectorySketch NameThe IDE and CLI both assume a sketch is inside a directory of the same name
Sketch file.ino fileSource to the Sketch (in C++)
iot-secrets.h.h include fileContains the IOT endpoint and sources to certificates
wifi-settings.h.h include fileContains the WiFi SSID and password \

The directory layout will typically look like this:

+-- {arduino-sketch-name}.ino
+-- iot-secrets.h
+-- wifi-settings.h
+-- {miscellaneous files}

There are provided template files for both the iot-secrets.h and wifi-settings.h files. You can copy/paste the values you've collected above into these files, then compile and flash the binary to the device.

When the device boots up, it executes the setup() function to set up any devices/connections, then repeatedly calls the loop() function. The loop function can obtain values from sensors, then send them to the cloud.

Under the SimpleIOT SDK, you may also provide a callback handler that is called when there is data transmitted from the cloud.

More on this later...

The iot-secrets.h template looks like this:

* © 2022 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* These are AWS IOT credentials. This is for the SimpleIOT demo program.
* Not for production use.


#include <pgmspace.h>

// Not really a secret, but all project-dependent values can be defined here.
#define SIMPLEIOT_IOT_ENDPOINT "{{ iot_endpoint }}"

// Root CA file
static const char SIMPLE_IOT_ROOT_CA[] PROGMEM = R"EOF(
{{ simpleiot_root_ca }}

// Device Certificate
{{ simpleiot_device_cert }}

// Device Private Key
{{ simpleiot_device_private_key }}

#endif /* __SIMPLEIOT_SECRETS__ */

You can copy-paste the IOT endpoint, Root Certificate, Device Certificate, and Private key values in place of the elements marked in between the {{ }} brackets.

For wifi-settings.h:

* © 2022 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Update these with your own WiFi credentials


const char WIFI_SSID[]="{{ wifi_ssid }}";
const char WIFI_PASSWORD[]="{{ wifi_password }}";


You can insert your own Wifi SSID and Password in place of the fields surrounded by {{ and }} brackets.

Inside your Arduino sketch file, you can now include and set the following values near the top of the file, where global settings are placed.

#include "iot-secrets.h"
#include "wifi-settings.h"
#include <SimpleIOT.h>

#define IOT_PROJECT "{my-project}"
#define IOT_MODEL "{my-model}"
#define IOT_SERIAL "{my-device-serial}"
#define IOT_FW_VERSION "{firmware-version}"

As you can see, the #include directives import the values from inside the .h files. By using #define C/C++ directives, you can make the code more readable and modular.

By now, you have used all the data items assembled above. Next, let us look at the part where we connect to the cloud and initialize SimpleIOT.


If you have set up your .ino sketch files like above, you can now create an instance of a SimpleIOT object and initialize it inside the setup() function. The SimpleIOT object should be a global singleton value so all functions can access it.

SimpleIOT* iot = NULL; // global instance

void setup() {
... // other initializations


Serial.println("SimpleIOT configuration initialized");

In the above section, the SimpleIOT::create function creates a singleton instance of the SimpleIOT object. You pass to it the #define values defined inside the .h files:

  • Wifi SSID
  • Wifi Password
  • IOT Endpoint URL
  • Text of Root Certificate
  • Text of Device Certificate
  • Text of Device Private Key

The next call, iot->config, starts the configuration of the SimpleIOT subsystem to work with this specific project/model/device.

The process is asynchronous since WiFi connection and establishing credentials may take a few seconds. The SDK provides a way for you to get notified when the configuration has been completed.

Notice the two extra parameters onConnectionReady and onDataFromCloud? When an event occurs, these callback handlers are called. onConnectionReady is called once the secure connection to the cloud has been established. You can use this as a signal that the connection is open and data can be sent/received from the cloud.


You should not attempt any cloud interactions until the onConnectionReady callback has been invoked with a successful status.

Any other status indicates a problem. For example, an invalid Wifi configuration or wrong security credentials. In these cases, the firmware should signal a problem to the user (if possible) and stop all connection/networking operations.

The onDataFromCloud callback is invoked if data is received from the cloud. These could be sent via API calls or the SimpleIOT CLI iot data set command.


The onConnectionReady function expects the following parameters:

  void onConnectionReady(int status, String message) {



The status value will be 0 if everything works, otherwise, it will return a code and an optional string message.


When data is sent from the cloud, the SDK will receive the notification and a payload. Then, the SDK extracts the relevant information to the application and passes it on to this callback.

The format of the handler is:

void onDataFromCloud(SimpleIOT *iot, String name, String value, SimpleIOTType type) {



Notice that the value is assumed to be String. Behind the scenes, SimpleIOT coerces all data values into a common string format for easier debugging and storage. When defining a Datatype, you can indicate the actual value. That type is passed on to the callback handler so you can decide how to convert the value best.

The type value can be one of:


What the name and value return is entirely up to you. But it is assumed to be defined as DataType fields in a Model.

For example, in the terminal, you can remotely set the value:

> iot data set --project=HelloProject --serial=HW5-0001 --name=color --value=red

The device with serial number HW5-0001 will receive a live notification with the following settings:

void onDataFromCloud(SimpleIOT *iot, String name, String value, SimpleIOTType type)
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("color")) {
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("red")) {
} else
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("green")) {
} else
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("blue")) {
} else
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) {

Both items are wrapped in Arduino String objects for easier conversion and processing.


Behind the scenes, certain callbacks will be reserved for future internal SDK use. The ones with data values will be passed to the onDataFromCloud function so the application can process them as needed.


You can use the Examples provided by SimpleIOT SDK in the Arduino IDEs and create a basic HelloWorld and SensorDemo example.

But the easiest way to see the SDK with completed parameters is to use the CLI code generator and create a fully-functional sketch. To do this, please visit the Workshops section.

The versions of HelloWorld and SensorDemo generated there will come with filled-out certificates, WiFi settings, and project attributes.